Saturday, November 2, 2013

#075- Time is short...

Hey everyone, figured I would do another update here to avoid doing my work for school and let you guys know what's been going on since last time. So I started school this semester, taking some classes at the local community college and preparing myself to enter grad school, specifically for Computer Science. I've been taking a full course load of 12 credits but 3 of my classes are online. Having never taken an online class before this has been quite an experience, but I think I've been keeping up with the work pretty well so far. In truth I actually have a perfect score in one of my database classes, though I think the professor only checks to see if we have done the work he's requested and not whether it is right or not, still, I'm not complaining! The classes I've been taking are: Advanced Java Programming, Database Management Systems, Structured Query Language, and C++ Programming, effectively meaning I'm studying 3 different computer languages at once! Though it's been a bit of a struggle, with all of the assignments i'm doing and my penchant for waiting till the last minute, I think I'm still pulling all A's for the semester. Almost ready to send in my grad school application as well and hopefully I'll be accepted into the program at the school I chose.

Job hunting hasn't been going too well to be honest. I just read an article today that stated that employment for Electrical Engineers in the US has gone from 385,000 in 2002 to 295,000 at the end of the first quarter this year and that this is due to people leaving the workforce due to layoffs and retirement. Also that managers are looking for people that specifically fit their needs as they don't want to make the investment in training new hires, as well as trying to consolidate positions. I did end up going to SBU the 2nd weekend of October to attend a job fair as well as, ask for a recommendation letter from a professor,  reconnect with people I hadn't seen in months, and just enjoy a very much needed mini vacation. It was cut short however as Fri. night/Sat. morning, after leaving the campus, a deer ran in front of the car. Luckily it was a low speed collision so no one in the car was hurt. I can't speak for the deer though because it ended up rolling into the woods lining the road and while I could hear it for a little bit as it recovered and ran off, I have no idea if it's still alive now. My car ended up taking most of the punishment but luckily there was no other property damage so a police report wasn't necessary. The next morning I just patched up the car and left for home, effectively cutting my trip short. I really wish I could have seen all my friends in the city though...

Since then I've been dealing with the insurance agency and trying to get the car fixed. Although they agreed to pay for Like Kind Quality parts, my dad wanted OEM parts from Toyota, needless to say the insurance company wouldn't agree to that so I have to pay the difference out of my own pocket. Goodbye $1800, that I worked my butt off for. The car only just got into the shop last Thursday and I should get it back by the end of next week assuming there is nothing else wrong outside of what was covered in the estimate.

Work hasn't gotten any easier, people getting fired for doing the stupidest things, a whole bunch of new hires for the holiday season who are loud, uneducated, untrained, and generally don't care because their employment is only seasonal. I even got a new boss. But it's still work and I'm still making a little $$ which is keeping me sane for the time being. Though I am getting irritated that my work schedule, combined with everything I have to do for school, leaves almost no time for me to do anything else I'm invited to/ want to do.

Choir has been going well, We are slowly getting better and rebuilding the choir after losing voices to the whims of puberty and such. Actually just last weekend we hosted a visiting choir from the UK as they were touring the East Coast of the US. We were able sing a service with them on Monday night and then Tuesday they offered a concert that was both beautiful and inspiring. (Though the inspiring part came from the fact that we both saw and felt that the caliber of our music was superior to their own). Can't wait to get into the Christmas season and start learning the music for the annual concerts. Already anticipating the big night when we sing the Messiah in it's entirety again, always a crowd pleaser. In truth the choir loves the challenge and the energy that the piece brings as well. 

Other than all that the only other thing that's happened is I got a new Xbox 360... right before they release the new Xbox One and PS4 consoles for this season. I have been enjoying playing GTA 5 and Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag though I don't have much time for either at the moment. That will change once school lets out for winter break. Though I imagine my time will be completely booked come the Spring and the grad school schedule.

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