So it's been quite a while since I've written anything down here. My life isn't really all that interesting to me so I don't get inspired to write about it too often and then when I do it's usually negative. But here goes anyway.
I've been consumed by a constant schedule/rhythm for most of this summer: Work, shower/sleep (in either order), look for jobs, nap, work. With the back to college season coming up my shift went from 4-9a to 2-7a in order to accommodate for the extra time needed to unload and stock all the extra merch. Then on top of that I would be asked to stay after shift for extra hours in order to help finish whatever we couldn't get through during the normal shift. This helped me get to nearly 40 hours every week for the last month or so and my bank account was very happy for that although it's cost me most of my summer vacation. I wish I had taken the time to go to NYC and visit friends and family. The only other thing of note that I've done was head up to Wisconsin for a weekend for a baptism. I became a godfather to my cousin's 2nd daughter, Tessa.
Still it could be worse, I'm at home with family, a roof over my head, food, clothes, and at least have a job (which is better than a lot of people could say at the moment). At the same time though I get more and more depressed as time goes on and my peers keep moving on with their lives. I feel like something is wrong with me and I'm stuck with no idea where to go. Lately I've been going through the motions to take a full semesters worth of comp sci classes at the local community college and then applying for the Comp Sci MS program at UAlbany for the spring. Meanwhile my sibs are both starting pharmacy school this fall.
I wonder where our lives will end up in the future...
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