So for today's challenge I have to name Five Pet Peeves. This may be a little difficult because there's not a lot that bothers me...
1.) Spelling/Grammar Mistakes in IM's
Not really so much anymore but when I was younger I would get bored easily to the point where if someone made a mistake while typing I had to immediately point it out. It definitely got annoying at times.
2.) Racial Slurs

I'm sure you've been called by one at one time or another and if not then it will happen eventually. Whether as a an insult or a term of respect, it's just gotta stop. I don't care if it's in music or some expression of art but it makes me uncomfortable when people use it around me in conversation.
3.) Being Late
I hate, hate, HATE being late for things and I HATE waiting on other people for inordinate amounts of time. Seriously if you say you're going to meet me at some time then be there or call or something and let me know you'll be late. Don't just show up half an hour later or more and expect me to still be waiting on you. It's disrespectful to me and everyone else that's waiting on your late ass.
4.) Bad Driving
I hate inconsiderate drivers who don't pay attention to what's around them. Especially ppl who decide to cut you off without even signalling just to get a few feet ahead of you. It's ridiculous and unnecessary.
5.) General Disregard for the Environment
Things like leaving the water running, leaving the light on, intentionally littering, etc. just piss me off. It's just a massive waste of resources and another problem piled on to the problems we have already.
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