Tuesday, May 31, 2011

#038- Random tidbits.

Ok quick post today. I saw these on a friend's tumblr and had to share.

Definitely doing this both during the summer and the fall semester.

I still don't get why people don't understand this. There's more to NY than the 5 boroughs people. 5-1-8 <3

If you like these and wanna see more you can check out my friend's tumblr here.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

#037- Home again, home again...

So I got back home today. Feels weird being here after being away since January but I guess it's ok. Felt like a blast from the past actually, because the weather was exactly like it was in Stony Brook like a week ago. I always say Albany is 10 degrees cooler than Stony, I guess that translates to it being a week behind lol. The drive back was kinda long and monotonous but I had my amazing tunes to keep me company. Ran into a little traffic on Grand Central Parkway by the George Washington Bridge Exit, and then again right before the Tappan Zee Bridge. Also got a ding in my windshield which put a bit of a damper on my day but there's full glass coverage on the insurance. Score!!! :D

Now for a month to relax and do a little research/ house hunting before heading back to school in July for summer classes. I'm trying to finish in December and you would not believe how ridiculously hard it is to find a place off campus for only the fall semester.

I wanna take this opportunity to congratulate the Stony Brook Graduating Class of 2011. You guys finally made it! I'm just sad I wasn't able to walk with you guys and I'll miss you all as you go on to bigger and better things.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

#036- 30 Day Challenge- Day 30

The Final Challenge: One Thing You're Excited For

One thing I'm excited for is Graduation Day just so I can see all my friends walk.

Monday, May 23, 2011

#035- 30 Day Challenge- Day 29

Today's Challenge: Five Weird Things That You Like

1.) Choral Music

I grew up singing it pretty much all the time. Sue me.

2.) Breadcrumbs on Mac n' Cheese

This S#%t is F$#(*&#G DELICIOUS!

3.)Making Toddlers Laugh

Whenever I see parent's carrying their toddlers in front of me, I flare my nostrils to see if I can make them laugh. Idk why.

4.) Paramore

Maybe this is just weird to me but I don't understand how this band has the only CD I've ever listened to where I actually liked every song on the album.

5.) School

Yeah, most people just rush through the year and want to get out of school as fast as possible. I actually like school though, (or rather the people in it) which is why I never really go home except for summer and winter break.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

#034- 30 Day Challenge- Day 28

Almost there! For today's challenge it asks: Somewhere you would like to move to or visit.

Great Britain

I would love to visit the UK someday. See the famous sites like Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, and The London Eye. Not to mention I am in love with the British Accent. I'd also love to see the real old style cathedrals there and the original birthplace of the boy choir. Having sung for my choir in the States has made me appreciate the history and tradition of the art around the world. Above all else it would just be an adventure, new places to go, people to see, and experiences to be had.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

#033- 30 Day Challenge- Day 27

So today's challenge is: A Quote You Try to Live By

One quote which I try to live by, and which I happen to quote to many people, is a very simple idea: "Don't Knock It Till You Try It."

It's just something I've done for awhile. Life is too short to let missed opportunities go by let alone refuse to do things you've never done or don't understand. That's why when presented with a new opportunity I try and take advantage of it because if it's something I don't like at least I can say I tried it and gained some knowledge rather than blindly dismissing it. Who knows maybe you'll discover something new about yourself that you didn't know before.

Friday, May 20, 2011

#032- 30 Day Challenge- Day 26

This one is a little interesting: Thing's You Like and Dislike About Yourself

Things I like about myself:
That I can sing

Things I dislike about myself:
Not that great at Video Games
Holds Grudges

I don't know, I don't like talking let alone writing about myself too much because then I feel conceited. Besides it's easier to see what other people think of me.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

#031- 30 Day Challenge- Day 25

So the challenge for today is: Something you're currently worrying about.

At this moment there are 2 big things on my mind. Finals and finding a place to live while I'm at school for the summer.

I've already had 2 finals and have felt ok about them, but the last one is tomorrow and is probably the most important one I'll have this semester. So I am a little scared at the thought of taking it.

Finding a New Place
As for housing, I'm only slightly worried because I need it by July, but every place i've seen has either been too expensive or too far away or only wanting female tenants. it's just a nightmare.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

#030- 30 Day Challenge- Day 24

Todays Challenge: Five words/phrases that make you laugh

1.) "You sold me queer giraffes, I want my money back."
From the movie: Gladiator.

2.)"It's going to be Legen- wait for it...- DARY!"
From the show: How I Met Your Mother.

3.)"Ohhhhh, that just happened." (raises hand) "Witness"
Random stuff from Team Awesome.

4.) "He's climbin' in yo' windows, he's snatchin' yo' people up..."
Antoine Dodson

5.) "Stroke the Furry Wall"
From the movie: Get Him to the Greek

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

#029- 30 Day Challenge- Day 23

So for today's challenge the question is: Something that you miss...

The Cathedral Choir of Men and Boys of The Cathedral of All Saints Albany. NY

I miss being part of my old choir back home in Albany. There were so many things that made it worth while: Thursday night dinners with rehearsal afterward, Sunday masses, the crazy Holy Week Schedule, Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve, the collective gathering of all the choirs around the area every January, Lessons and Carols, special concerts, travelling and visiting new places, going to Canada for camp every summer. I actually just missed out on a trip to England they took earlier this year. There was also the many friends I made there, the countless inside jokes we had, the antics we'd be up to all the time, and of course the music we made. The amount of time and work we put into our music is something I have rarely seen elsewhere, and I miss being a part of something bigger.

Monday, May 16, 2011

#028- 30 Day Challenge- Day 22

Today's blog: Your Academics

I guess this means all the schooling I've had up till now, hope I can find pictures of all these places.

St. Matthew's Lutheran Church and School

I spent Pre-K and Kindergarten here, there are only bits and pieces that I remember now.

St. James School

This is a picture of the church but the school was behind it. Couldn't really find any good pictures of it. Anyway I spent 1st-5th grade at the school and it wasn't really all that memorable. I remember being the odd one out most of the time. Not many good memories for me here (at least from the school). Since then, the school was closed down and later turned into a preparatory school, and the church was renamed The Church of St. Francis of Assisi.

Albany School of Humanities (P.S. 23)

I went here for 6th grade. Yeah just 1 year I know but it was because it was a magnet school and I won some lottery to be placed there. It was a fun year, I met some new friends and got the hell out of the catholic school system.

William S. Hackett Middle School

I was here for 7th and 8th grade. Not really too much to tell. It was middle school and everyone was in an awkward phase. Since then the school underwent a major renovation, mostly just the interior though, the outside looks the same.

Albany High School

I spent 9th-12th grade here. This shot is of the courtyard where we'd have lunch pretty much every day when it was nice out. Earned an advanced regents diploma and was part of the national honors society chapter at the school. Music was really the only extracurricular thing I did, there was the mens a capella group: The Troubadours, and also the mixed chorus. I also got to sing The National Anthem and God Bless America at my graduation. (So I guess I was pretty good at it.) Found out a lot about myself while I was here.

Stony Brook University

This is where I am now, it's been six years and I'm almost done with my degree in Electrical Engineering. There are way too many good times from here for me to mention all in this post. I was involved with the Residential Safety Program, Residence Hall Association, my building's Hall Council's. Animated Perspectives (the Anime Club), Stony Brook Chorale. and so many other things. I've made mistakes and learned from them here and I've made some great friends along the way who I hope to keep in touch with for a long time. These years have been the best times of my life... so far.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

#027- 30 Day Challenge- Day 21

Today's Challenge: How You Hope Your Future Will Be Like

No one really knows what the future holds for them. There are very few things that I want for my own. A decent job, a nice house, the right girl, and to be able to travel to new places. That pretty much sums up what I want out of life. Maybe later on starting a family of my own...

Saturday, May 14, 2011

#026- 30 Day Challenge- Day 20

Today's Challenge: Your Fears


Being Alone

When I think of my fears the first things that come to mind are silence and being alone. Music is one of the few things I live for and without it I don't know who i would be today. If for whatever reason I became deaf I don't know if I could deal with anything. Music is my escape from the real world, all the problems and worries, they just seem farther away when I'm listening to something. As for being alone... I just don't like it. I always feel better if there are other people around to enjoy the moment with. I have no motivation to do anything when I'm alone.

Friday, May 13, 2011

#025- 30 Day Challenge- Day 19

So today's challenge asks for: 5 Things You Lust After. Truth be told there isn't really much that I want at the moment but I'll try and think of something.

1.) Lamborghini Gallardo

2.) XBox 360 + XBox Live Account

3.) College Degree

4.) My own place

5.) The Girl of my Dreams

Thursday, May 12, 2011

#024- 30 Day Challenge- Day 18

Today's Challenge: A Problem That You Have Had

Public Speaking

For some reason I have always had a problem with speaking in public. Call it stage fright or w/e but I can't explain it. I mean when I'm talking with friends it's fine and everything but when I get up on stage it's just that idea that all eyes are on me... it freaks me out for some reason. It also happens when I'm around a girl that I like. If I just met her or don't really know her too well I tend to be shy and kinda quiet, my mind kinda just blanks out and I can't think of anything to say, maybe that's why I prefer to listen to someone over talking.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

#023- 30 Day Challenge- Day 17

Today's Challenge: Something that you're proud of.

I guess one thing that I’m proud of is my voice. Singing and music have been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember and people have always complimented me whenever just randomly sing around for the hell of it. It’s something special to me that I grew up with and a part of me that I hope I’ll never have to let go.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

#022- 30 Day Challenge- Day 16

So for today's challenge it asks: Something you always think, "What if..." about.

If you know me then you know how much I really hate this question. I usually try to live by the idea, "Don't knock it till you try it." which goes along the same lines. I HATE what if's, I mean who wants to think about what could be when they had the chance to find out?

Most of my own what if's revolve around certain people. Stuff like, "What if I had done this action instead of that one, where would my life be now with this person?" These are things that run through my head incessantly, it's actually been happening quite a bit today. I guess the real reason I hate what if's is that they basically equate to regrets. Living with regrets is something I really don't ever wanna do.

Monday, May 9, 2011

#021- 30 Day Challenge- Day 15

So for today's challenge it asks: What is your Zodiac/Horoscope and do you think it fits your personality?

My sign is: Aquarius

I pulled these traits from the first website I saw:


Aquarian Traits

Friendly and humanitarian
Honest and loyal
Original and inventive
Independent and intellectual

On the dark side....

Intractable and contrary
Perverse and unpredictable
Unemotional and detached

I think that I would have to agree that many of these traits do describe me. Friendly, helpful, honest (more like blunt), loyal, independent, intellectual. Even on the dark side some of these traits do come to mind, especially unemotional and detached. I try not to let things bother me too much but its both good and bad in different situations.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

#020- 30 Day Challenge- Day 14

So today's challenge is: What You Wore Today. But since it's 2am and I haven't fallen asleep I'm gonna post down what I wore yesterday.

During the day I went to Mendy Extravaganza and while there i wore:

A Stony Brook Concerts Shirt

Calvin Klein Jeans

Nike Air Max Sneakers

Then later that night was RHA Masquerade Ball Presents: Zombie Prom where I wore:

Black Van Heusen Dress Shirt (With silver silk tie)

$300 Adolfo Suit

Bostonian Dress Shoes

Saturday, May 7, 2011

#019- 30 Day Challenge- Day 13

So for today's challenge I have to write on: Your Opinion About Your Body and How Comfortable You Are With It.

I am ok with my body image for the most part. I mean I know I'm not at the peak of physical fitness or anything but I could be a lot worse off than I am now. I'm kinda big and stocky and if anything I'd want to lose some weight and it always happens during the summer because then there is more to do and I can be more active. But I'm fine with the way I look now and other than the weight I wouldn't change a thing.

#018- 30 Day Challenge- Day 12

So for this challenge I have to name: 5 Girls Who I Find Attractive and rather than make anyone jealous and naming names I'm just gonna pick famous people who I think are hot.

1.) Dianna Agron

2.) Kate Beckinsale

3.) Kina Grannis

4.) Alyson Michalka

5.) Emma Stone